Saturday, January 29, 2011

I've moved...

Well, not my blog or any physical family moved.  Moved 3 states West... to the coast again.  Where I began.  You can go home again... and again... and I have, again. LOL

So with this move, I now have to find a new job.  It's not as easy as it used to be.  At least not here in Sunny California.  Now, if I could afford all of this luxurious time off and Brennan still be in daycare a few days a week, I'd be all for it.  A few days at the beach just walking around enjoying the sun and shops with or without Brennan.  Maybe get a season pass to the San Diego Zoo or Wild Animal Park and spend a day or two a month there.  Something but sitting in my apartment scouring over the job boards and applying for every job out there.  Right now, I just want to work and so do millions of other people.

In the meantime, I am reading.  Something I haven't had the luxury of having time to do in a long time!  I am into the series The Hunger Games. A friend of mine gave me the trilogy for Christmas and I am loving them! I got my mom started on them too... she has them on her Kindle now.  Anyway, I'm always looking for new books to read, nothing too dark or gross though.  I don't do Stephen King. 

Well, I am going to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having until tomorrow when I hear the rain is supposed to come.  So enjoy life wherever you are!

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