So, its been a long time. I moved to California, found an apartment, found a job, Jeremy graduated high school, then Army Basic Training. Boy, as a mother surviving basic training is a blog all on its own! But, I learned a lot, like how much patience I don't have waiting for letters to arrive in the mail! Now, here we are November, 2011 and we have moved in with my boyfriend and are settling into a routine. I hope to get my blog back in order, and maybe get some tips from fellow bloggers on how to make my layout pretty and add things to it to make it more appealing to the eye, not just the reader.
In the meantime, I have found this awesome website, Pinterest and fellow bloggers have been posting their receipes and all of us have been drooling over them and repinning them to our own boards to make later. I am addicted, just so you know. I think I might try working my way through my Taste of Home cookbook so I feel like I am contributing to the world of Pinterest and Blogging! Hope everyone is enjoying their Fall weather! See you soon!